HTech is gearing up to launch a new smartphone in the Indian market. The handset is named Honor X9B, whose promotional teaser has already been shared by the company. This X-series device will be Honor’s second smartphone after its comeback in the Indian market. The first phone was the Honor 90, which Honor launched in the country last September after three years. Although the official launch date of Honor X9B has not been revealed yet. However, it is claimed that the device will make its debut between February 8 and 9. And now the Honor X9B has appeared on Amazon India’s website ahead of the launch, revealing various features. The handset is also said to come with attractive combo offers.
The Honor X9B is listed on Amazon’s site
Honor X9B will arrive in India in Sunrise Orange color option with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage. Amazon’s listing reveals that the phone will be available with the Honor Choice Earbuds X5e in a combo offer with a 12-month screen and back cover warranty and a 24-month battery health guarantee. It is also known that the phone will run on Android 14 operating system.
However, the rest of the specifications of the Honor X9B are still unknown. However, the phone is believed to be similar to its global model, which was launched last October with a 6.78-inch display with 1.5K resolution and 120Hz refresh rate. The phone is likely to be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processor, coupled with an Adreno 710 GPU.
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For photography, the Honor X9B may have a powerful 108-megapixel primary camera, which will be paired with a 5-megapixel ultra-wide sensor and a 2-megapixel macro lens. And in front of the phone there will be a 16 megapixel selfie camera. For ultimate power backup, the Honor X9B will come with a large 5,800mAh battery, which will support 35W wired fast charging.